Injury and Illness Prevention Program
Updated October 3, 2024
Injury and Illness Prevention Program Sections:
- Purpose/Scope
- Responsibilities
- Compliance
- Communication
- Hazard Identification and Evaluation
- Hazard Correction
- Incident Reporting and Investigations
- Training and Instruction
- Recordkeeping
- Additional Resources
Reference: California Code of Regulations Regarding the Injury and Illness Prevention Program, Title 8, Section 3203 - Cal/OSHA Regulation.
1. Purpose/Scope
Per the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3203, UC Irvine has adopted an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), which describes specific requirements for program responsibility, compliance, communications, hazard assessment, accident/exposure investigations, hazard correction, training, and recordkeeping. The University of California, Irvine (UCI) complies with Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 3203 strives to maintain a safe and healthful working environment, and has implemented this Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) for this purpose.
The University of California, Irvine :
- Provides procedures for identifying and evaluating hazards and unsafe conditions;
- Develops procedures for correcting hazards and unsafe conditions;
- Communicates with employees regarding health and safety matters and how to report hazards;
- Provides employee training programs;
- Develops compliance strategies;
- Maintains documentation for health and safety programs; and
- Identifies a person or persons with authority and responsibility for implementing the program.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 Program Administrator
The ultimate responsibility for providing resources towards the goal of effective policies regarding environmental health and safety issues rests with the Chancellor. General policies, which govern the activities and responsibilities of the Environmental Health and Safety program, are established under the authority of the Chancellor. As designated by the chancellor, the individual with responsibility for implementing the IIPP is the Executive Director of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS), hereafter referred to as the Program Administrator. The Program Administrator has the authority to implement all provisions of this program. All university employees are responsible for supporting the program and for working safely and maintaining a safe and healthful work environment.
2.2 Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)
- Provides consultation to all levels of UC Irvine staff and faculty regarding program compliance.
- Develops templates to assist schools, departments, and work units in implementing effective injury and illness prevention programs.
- Consults on issues of hazard identification and evaluation; procedures for correcting unsafe conditions, systems for communicating with employees, regularly scheduled safety meetings, employee training programs, compliance strategies, and recordkeeping.
- Provides centralized monitoring of campuswide activities in the areas of environmental compliance, biological safety, chemical hygiene, emergency preparedness, fire safety, hazard communication, hazard identification, hazardous materials management, industrial hygiene, occupational safety, sanitation, and safety education and training.
- Maintains centralized environmental and employee exposure monitoring records, allowing employee access to records as directed by law.
2.3 Schools and Business Units
Associate Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Department Chairs
Associate Vice Chancellors, Deans, and other managers are responsible for ensuring that:
- Individuals under their management have the authority to implement appropriate health and safety procedures, practices and programs.
- Areas under their management have adequate funding for health and safety programs, practices, and equipment.
- Areas under their management are in compliance with UC Irvine health and safety practices, policies, and programs.
- A responsible person (see SOS Representative - Section 2.6), within each work unit under their management is designated to partner with EHS to implement the work unit specific component of the IIPP.
2.3.1 Work Unit
Lowest level group of individuals that:
- Includes at least one of the following:
- Principal Investigator
- Academic Business Officer
- Director
- Manager/Supervisor
- Unit/Department head
- Holds periodic meetings where safety is discussed.
- Includes people who work closely and perform similar work activities on a regular basis.
- Has unique training needs in order to successfully implement unit specific procedures.
2.4 Supervisors
In partnership with EHS, Supervisors are responsible for implementing the UC Irvine Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Supervisors implement the IIPP through the following actions:
- Identify an SOS Safety Representative (SR). This person may also be the PI or Supervisor.
- Ensure that work unit health and safety practices are communicated and understood through training and other programs.
- Ensure that health and safety practices are consistent throughout the work unit and that work unit specific training is provided.
- Include compliance with health and safety procedures as part of the annual performance evaluation.
- Encourage employees to report safety concerns without fear of reprisal.
- Report injuries promptly to Workers' Compensation.
- Where appropriate, facilitate the implementation of:
- Hazard Identification Checklist
- Work unit specific staff training beyond the required EHS safety courses offered
2.4.1 Laboratory Principal Investigators (PIs) / Lab Supervisors
Laboratory Principal Investigators and Laboratory Supervisors must satisfy the list of items on the Principal Investigator's Checklist to implement IIPP.2.5 Employee Responsibilities
Safety On Site (SOS) has been developed by UC Irvine to ensure that employees implement and follow the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). Employees are responsible for following the requirements of the IIPP through the following actions:
- Complete all EHS required training identified by the Safety Training Self-Assessment at uclc.uci.edu, including Safety Fundamentals, Laboratory Safety Fundamentals, or School of Medicine Annual Training.
- Know who is the designated SOS Safety Representative (SR) for your work unit.
- Participate in all work unit specific training recommended and/or coordinated by your designated SR.
- Ask your SR, supervisor or faculty when concerned about an unknown or hazardous situation or substance.
- Report all unsafe conditions, practices, or equipment to your supervisor, SR, or to campus EHS and RS.
2.6 Safety Representative (SR)
SOS Safety Representatives are responsible for following the requirements of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program through the following actions:
- Complete all EHS required training identified by the Safety Training Self-Assessment at uclc.uci.edu.
- Complete the work unit specific Hazard Identification Checklist and ensure that identified hazards are corrected and addressed.
- Develop a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as necessary.
- Ensure work unit employees take their Safety Training Self-Assessment and take all EHS required training.
- Conduct and/or coordinate work unit specific training for all employees in your work unit every three (3) years and for new employees.
- Maintain written records for work unit specific training using template.
- Conduct work unit inspections. (Recommended)
Qualifications of an SOS Representative:
- Competency in administrative work activities or area of research.
- Ability to communicate safety procedures.
- For SR's in laboratories, a background in chemical, biological, and/or radiological safety issues where applicable.
2.7 Student Employees
Student employees are responsible for following the requirements of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program through the following actions:
- Ask your supervisor or faculty questions when concerned about an unknown or hazardous situation or substance.
- Report all unsafe conditions, practices, or equipment either to your supervisor or to EHS' Injury Report.
- Keep informed about conditions that may impact your health and safety.
- Participate in EHS training programs, as required.
3. Compliance
UC Irvine strives to ensure that all employees, faculty and staff comply with safe and healthy work practices. Managers, supervisors and responsible persons in the work unit are responsible for establishing and maintaining sound health and safety practices. To ensure compliance, employees are:
Recognized for following safe and healthful work practices:
- Rewarding Safe Acts - Rewards are awarded to employees who identify unsafe conditions or acts or who demonstrate exemplary safety behavior towards themselves and/or colleagues. Employees are allowed to receive these awards no more than twice in one calendar year.
- Encouraged to participate in training and retraining, as necessary or required.
- Held accountable for performing the duties of their job in a manner that demonstrates an awareness of the requirements for health and safety.
- Asked to participate in completing Hazard Assessments & corrections or surveys if indicated.
- Asked to report a safety concern in accordance with the anti-reprisal policy.
4. Communication
UC Irvine communicates with employees, faculty, and staff in a form readily understandable and accessible to all affected parties on matters pertaining to occupational safety and health, including provisions designed to encourage employees to inform their supervisor or EHS of hazards at the worksite without fear of reprisal. University employees shall not suffer any type of reprimand, discipline, or punishment as a result of reporting a safety hazard or concern. UC Irvine uses various systems and methods to communicate or relay information on these matters, which include:
- Training Programs.
- Regularly scheduled safety committee meetings.
- Publications including:
- Participation in research compliance panels, and anonymous and confidential hazard reporting.
5. Hazard Identification and Evaluation
UC Irvine has procedures for identifying and evaluating work place hazards, including scheduled periodic inspections to identify unsafe conditions and work practices. EHS and RS conducts periodic inspections of campus buildings through the Lab and Building Safety Surveys (LBSS) Program, and routine radiation safety and biological safety inspections.
SOS Representatives complete Hazard Assessments for their work unit.
The following tools are used to identify hazards and unsafe conditions in the work unit:
- Hazard Identification Checklist
- Work Station Ergonomic Evaluations
- Work Unit Inspection Tools
- LBSS Checklist
- Building Survey Checklist
6. Hazard Correction
Unsafe or unhealthful work conditions, practices, or procedures are corrected in a timely manner based on the severity of the hazards and available university funds. For serious hazards that are immediately dangerous to life or health, immediate action will be taken to mitigate the hazard. The Supervisor/Principal Investigator, department heads, EHS and RS, and all affected employees will be notified of the hazard. If the hazard cannot be immediately abated, all personnel will be removed from the affected area. Access to the area will be controlled until the safety of personnel can be assured.
7. Incident Reporting and Investigations
When an injury or illness occurs that is serious enough to require immediate medical treatment, notify university police by calling 911 on a campus phone or 714-456-6123 at the UCI Medical Center.
7.1 Reporting
The Online Incident Report must be completed for all employee work-related injuries and illnesses within 24 hours of the incident. For additional information please refer to the Workers' Compensation website.
7.2 Investigations
As part of completing the Online Incident Report, the employee and supervisor work together to determine the cause of the incident and to ensure that appropriate follow-up, hazard communication, and hazard correction has occurred. EHS reviews online incident reports. Incident reports and EHS investigations are documented and are filed with EHS and Workers' Compensation.
Additional Resources:
- Report a Safety Concern
- Report a Work-related Injury or Illness
- Workers' Compensation
- UC Irvine Injuries & Medical Treatment
8. Training and Instruction
Training is provided to each employee, including managers and supervisors, with regard to general safety procedures and to any hazards specific to an employee's job.
All employees must complete required safety training as identified by the Safety Training Self-Assessment (STSA) (uclc.uci.edu). The STSA identifies safety training based upon work environment and work activities. Results may include Safety Fundamentals, Laboratory Safety Fundamentals, or School of Medicine Annual Training. Training occurs:
- Upon the hiring of a new employee;
- When an employee is given a new job assignment for which training has not been provided; or
- When new substances, processes, procedures, or equipment that represent a new hazard are introduced.
- When recertification is due.
Training records for all EHS training courses can be found at uclc.uci.edu.
9. Recordkeeping
The University has taken the following steps to document and maintain the IIPP:
- All IIPP related documents are maintained a minimum of 10 years.
- Employee exposure records are maintained for at least 30 years.
10. Additional Resources
UC Irvine:
Training Schedule and Registration
Report a Safety Concern/Near Miss
Report a Work-related Injury or Illness
State Agencies:
California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA)
California Environmental Protection Agency
California Air Resources Board
Federal Agencies:
Environmental Protection Agency
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH)
For additional information, comments, or questions, contact EHS at safety@uci.edu, 949-824-6200, or visit: ehs.uci.edu.
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