Return to Campus Signage
Updated September 28, 2023 | 9:45 a.m.
Signage for Reengaging Campus Operations
Signage has been developed to communicate best practices for all individuals who are on site. A rolling installation is planned beginning with research buildings and high-traffic locations. Signs can be downloaded and printed for individuals wishing to access signs directly for specific locations. Additionally, building managers can contact Dan Crout in Facilities Management, Sign Shop for more information.
Strongly Recommended Signage
As part of the Return to Campus activities, EHS and Facilities Management strongly recommends that the following signs are placed on the front door or in the building entrance lobby areas in order to ensure adequate communication to returning employees.
- Face Covering Recommendation
- Protect Your Health - Please Wash Your Hands
- Welcome Back Anteaters! With Mask
- What To Do When a COVID -19 Case Occurs
Additional Signage
- Isolation and Quarantine (Spanish Translation)
- Need a Face Covering or Mask?
- Please Do Not Flush - Wipes, Paper Towels or Sanitary Items
- Stop! If You Have Coughing, Shortness of Breath, Fever
- Workplace Chat | Workplace Chat Knock
- Workplace Enter | Workplace Enter Knock
- Workplace Mask On | Workplace Mask On Knock