Safety Concern

Use this form to report a safety or COVID-19 concern, non-life-threatening hazard, or hazardous event or condition. This information can also be submitted by calling EHS at 949-824-6200.

Reminder this form requires UCI credentials. If you do not have UCI credentials, please email

To report an injury or illness go to the Report an Injury page.


When did the dangerous event or hazardous condition occur?

Date/Time: Pick a date  


Did the incident occur in a lab or was the incident related to research activities?

 YES    NO


Provide the location of unsafe condition or hazard:
(e.g., building/room, parking lot, interior/exterior, nearby landmark)


Describe the unsafe condition, event or hazard (e.g., chemical, biological, etc):


If you would like to be contacted regarding this information, please provide your name and email address: (optional)



It is illegal for any California employer to take action against employees who exercise their right under the law to report perceived or actual unsafe and/or unhealthy conditions or hazards to their employer. Reprisal to employees for exercising their right for safety and healthy related activities will not be tolerated.