Report an Injury, Safety Concern, or Near-Miss

Notice: The previous intake form has been suspended. Please refer to the updated information below.

Injuries, safety concerns, and/or near-misses occurring on campus or while participating in university business should be reported within 24 hours.

If you or your employee experiences a serious injury that requires a trip to the hospital, please contact EHS immediately at 949-824-6200.

  • During business hours, press 1 to be connected to the front desk.
  • After hours and on weekends, press 2 to be connected to an EHS responder.

For Campus Employees (excluding Facilities Management and UCI Health)

Please contact EHS at or call 949-824-6200 and press “1” during business hours to report an injury, illness, or safety concern.

You may also contact Workers’ Compensation at or go to the UCI HR workers’ compensation webpage for assistance.

For non-vehicle property damage ONLY, review Risk Services' Claims Management webpage for more information.

Facilities Management Employees

Facilities Management employees are required to use the RSS portal, ONLY for injury/illnesses submissions.

Facilities Management Injuries/Illnesses RSS Portal

UCI Health Employees

If you are an employee of UCI Health, at any UCI Health site, you should make your report through the UCI Health Safety and Quality Information System (SQIS).

UCI Health Safety and Quality Information System (SQIS)
