Hazardous Material Incidents

Personnel Exposures/Contamination

  1. Remove exposed/contaminated individual(s) from area, unless it is unsafe due to medical condition of victim(s), or potential hazards to rescuer(s).
  2. Notify:
    For medical attention – 9 -1-1
    During normal working hours – EHS 949-824-6200
    After hours – 9-1-1
  3. Use nearest emergency eyewash/shower to flush contamination from eyes/skin.
  4. Remove any contaminated clothing and place in a bag.
  5. Administer First Aid as appropriate.
  6. Stand by to provide information or assistance including the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) to emergency response personnel in cases where they are dispatched.

Spill/Contamination of Equipment/Facilities


  1. Avoid spreading contamination by restricting access to the equipment/area only to individuals who are properly protected and trained to deal with the type of hazard which exists (e.g., radioactive, corrosive, flammable, biological).
  2. Notify:
    During normal working hours – EHS 949-824-6200
    After hours – 9-1-1
  3. Evacuate all persons from the immediate area of the spill to a nearby location where they can be checked for contamination if deemed appropriate or directed by EHS.
  4. Do not attempt any clean up or decontamination procedures alone or without proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Persons performing decontamination of radioactive material need to have radiation monitoring equipment appropriate for the radiation emitted by the radionuclide involved in the spill.
  5. Attempt spill clean-up if you feel it is safe, you are familiar with the properties of the spilled material, and are trained to handle spills.
  6. If it is a liquid spill, attempt to contain it by using the appropriate absorbent material.
  7. Decontaminate the equipment/area using appropriate methods under EHS direction.
  8. Dispose of waste material. Complete the appropriate Hazardous Waste Pick-up form on-line to request pick-up by EHS. Temporarily store the bag of waste in the fume hood if material is volatile and attach a label that describes the waste.
  9. Stand by to provide information/assistance to emergency response personnel in cases where they are dispatched.

Release to the Environment (Air, Water, Soil)

  1. Stop the release, if safe to do so.
  2. Follow procedures described above for contamination of equipment/facilities.